Friday, December 4, 2009


Here are some funny things the kids have been saying lately!

Woman-What is your Sister's name?
Holden's response-Zoe Patel Holden :)

Leila says: Sometimes my mom feeds the baby at the table (this is not a habit)
It is so d-i-s-t-r-a-c-t-i-n-g.

Leila on is so disgusting and cool!  (I think I feel the same way)

Watching Dancing with the Stars
Leila says: This song just makes me feel like kissing.
Me (to myself) WHAT? Are you serious?
Adnan says: What does that mean?
Leila: I don't know, it just makes me feel like kissing

Leila says:  I decided that all I want for Christmas is to meet Santa.  I'm going to stay up all night.

Holden:  Who is God's mom?

Wii or is it we?
If you ask Holden to spell "we" he spells it wii


Becky said...

That's funny! And I couldn't agree more about the BF' was tough but Miss Reesey sure liked it:) Good for you momma:)

Kristi said...

Oh, they are so funny!!! And, I'm so glad you're blogging regularly. :-)

Rachel said...

Love it - so funny - and love all the blog posts! Wow, you're sure keeping upw ith it!

Keith and Jessica said...

This is awesome! Right now I hear a lot of "up", "mommy, mommy, mommy", "no, mine" and "more" all day long but one day I will add Funnies to my blog too!