Tuesday, December 1, 2009

3 months old

I'm enjoying Zoe so much...savoring all the fun moments.  Smiling is a regular occurance and baby talking is her new gig.  She especially likes to smile and play in the middle of the night.  I can't help but giggle when I'm changing her diaper and she catches my eye to give me a big grin and a ooooh, ooooh, awwww!  Today she carried on a long conversation with herself when she was supposed to be eating.  She may give Leila and Holden a run for their money.

She is still eating every 3 hours during the day and is stretching her nights from about 10:30 to 4:45 or a bit later if I'm lucky.  I'm grateful for the 6 hours, but it still doesn't feel like she is sleeping through the night.  Last night she actually slept till 6:00 am...our longest stretch, then ate every 2 hours to make up for it.

Leila and Holden continue to be enamored with her.  Leila is always asking to hold her and Holden fights with Leila about who gets to sit closer to her.  Leila is a great helper getting me exactly what I need for Zoe.  Holden is sweet when he tries to soothe her.  It's ok "Zoe girl...your a big girl."  They sit and play with her and do lots of pacifier duty.  Holden can't stand for her to cry...he tells me to make sure I don't let her cry while he is at school. 

Zoe likes:
to be swaddled
her swing
to swat at her toys
her pacifier, although she found her fist over the past week
to smile and make baby noises
to wake up as soon as it's time for the family to sit down an eat dinner
stare at the world around her

Zoe does not like:
waiting in the car pool line

StrollerFit update:
It is getting easier and easier to get out of the house and ready for StrollerFit.  (could be Adnan takes the kids to school most days.)  :) 
Zoe seems to be enjoying classes and usually sleeps her way through class!  It's nice having a little friend with me at StrollerFit.


B.E.A.L. said...

awwww....I love this update but seriously, how in the world is he 3 months old! Sounds like she is lucky to have such a great big sister and big brother!

she is a cutie and I am glad she loves strollerfit!

Becca said...

Wow, 3 months already!!!!! Where has the time gone!!!!

Becky said...

I love it! Maybe when Reese is 5 or 7 I just might have another one as well:) Your inspiring me!

Kristi said...

I love those blue eyes! I can't believe she's 3 months old already.