Sunday, January 27, 2008

Visit to the DMA

We took Leila and Holden to the museum on Saturday for the first time. Imagine 2 kids stomping thru a quiet museum. At one point, I thought we were going to get in trouble with the museum staff.

Luckily they have a great children's area. We went there and made sculptures out of foil and wires. It was a fun activity for the kids. Holden and Adnan made a spider. Leila and I made a tootsie roll and tried to make some flowers coming out of a pot. It was good ole abstract art.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Holden's antics...

It's been an interesting week. Here are the high points:

I went to check on Holden when he was using the potty. I found him, pants pulled down properly, sitting on the edge of the potty peeing on my bathroom rug. I couldn't believe it. He was really thinking this was cool. hmmmmm

Earlier in the week, I started the kids bathwater. A few minutes later, Leila informed me that Holden had locked the bathroom door. No big deal RIGHT? Wrong!! Holden locked the door and closed it behind him. Needless to say we were locked out of the bathroom with the bath water running. Panic is an understatment. After using a few adult words, I ran downstairs and got 2 screwdrivers to remove the door knob. Once I got the door knob off, the inside one fell into the bathroom. OOPS After freaking about that, I figured a way to get it open. All the water was still in the bathtub.

One of Adnan's business partners was in town last night. During dinner, Adnan asked Holden what the ball was doing on the dinner table. (No toys allowed on the table when we are eating) Holden told him with a nod, "the ball was ok, it was just relaxing." King of deflecting questions. After dinner, we gathered to watch 10 minutes of Mr. Bean. Leila and Holden told Sean everything that was happening 30 seconds before it happened. Holden told Sean, "I really like you Sean."

Friday, January 18, 2008


Oh goodness...well I got the question today, "where do babies come from." Now, I've answered a similiar question, but It must have been at least 6 months ago, " where do babies come from." I promptly answered from your belly button. My mom was appalled that I would tell such a tale, but caught off guard, it's the first thing that came to my mind. I was so glad when I spoke to someone at StrollerFit about it, because they made me feel so much better by telling me that that is what everyone tells their children...

So, now where do babies come from? Well, I said mommies and daddies...hmmmm...Where do babies come from...I told Leila and Holden, that you pat them and prick them and bake em...Leila said, "is that REALLLLLLY how you make them???? with these big eyes. I said no, I was just teasing. Holden then told me that only pizza belongs in the oven. These kids they are too smart.
At least we were able to change the subject.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Letter Sounds..

Well, Holden got his first homework assignment today from school. He told the teacher,"thank you for my homework." He is starting to learn his letter sounds. I'm so proud of him, it's fun because he is really enjoying it.

His teachers told me during circle time today that he wanted to talk a lot. When they asked him why he was talking so much, he said,"because my mommy told me to talk during circle time." Yeah right!!

Adnan enrolled Holden in soccer. I think he is afraid if we wait too long, that I'll be enrolling Holden in Ballet class. He sure enjoys watching ballet and loves to do aerobesque passe. We asked Leila if she was interested in soccer, and she said she wanted to do ballet. I explained to her that her CoCo played soccer, that I played soccer and that you could do both. She has now decided she wants to play football. Adnan told her that he would check and see if they had a football team where girls could play. hmmm My little football ballerina!

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Kids...

The first thing I heard this morning was, "Can we watch Mr. Bean holiday?" GEEZ....

The kids and I had fun after school today. Leila had ballet and I always like to get a peek of her when she is doing her "thing." It is so terrific watching her move across the dance floor. Aerobesque (sp) passe is the move they are working on. She has some awesome facial expressions going on and her tongue was really helping her. :) Each time I peek, she gets so excited and all attention from the teacher goes to me as if it's been days since we have seen each other. Believe me, I am relishing the fact that she wants me to be there watching her because I know the day will come when she rolls her eyes at me instead.

Holden decided he wanted to stand on the potty tonight. When I told him no, he said, "I fall in and then you flush me. I too big to fit."

Off to watch Mr. Bean....LOL

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mr. Bean's holiday

We watched a movie called Mr. Bean's holiday. It was the first "grown up" movie the kids had seen; so they were super excited to get to watch it. If you are familiar with Mr. Bean, it's pretty interesting. The kids stayed with it so well and gave us play by play of everything that went on. They especially liked when Mr. Bean ate an entire shrimp eyes, bones and all. Sick.

So this morning when they woke up the first thing they asked to do was watch Mr. Bean's holiday. My sister came over and they each told her everything that was going to happen before it happened. Pretty funny...they had only seen it once before...little sponges. :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Gotta love kids! We were at Walmart today and Holden sang the ABC's as loud as he could. I loved it!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Big Boy Bed...

We finally did it. We bought the big boy bed. Holden is now 3, so we thought it was about time. (really past time, oh well) He has been asking for a big bed like "daddy's" Off to Ikea we went and got him a bunk bed for small kids. It's pretty cool because it is a regular bed, then you can flip it and it changes to a bunk bed. We have it as a regular bed, telling him that we will flip it as soon as he gets used to it. Really, I'm using it as leverage so he will stay in his bed. The "bunk bed" will be really useful because he and Leila can have slumber parties.