Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thank you!

As I start posting blogs for 2010 I want to look back on the end of 2009 and thank both Kristi and Becky for encouraging me to start blogging again.  I know I'm thankful I documented events and Leila, Holden and Zoe will enjoy looking back and reading about themselves.  I've never really thought I had that much to blog about, but I'm so glad I started.  It's not only made me stop and think about the fun things that we do, but that blessings abound.  I usually lead my life running from one thing to another without taking time out to savor the fun moments...I let life pass me by.  I definitely think blogging has made me slow down and enjoy time in the moment or at least enjoy writing about it. 

I'm no expert blogger, but I thank the few of you that read for taking some time in your day to check in with us!  

Looking forward to a fun 2010! 


B.E.A.L. said...

I am so glad you started blogging again...I miss seeing you so this is a good way for me to keep up with you and your family!

Rachel said...

I love seeing all your blog posts, too!!

Kristi said...

You're welcome! I love reading your blog. I can only imagine how super busy you are so it's extra special that you're taking the time to blog. You & your kids will really appreciate it years from now. And, since I motivated you I make myself feel guilty when I don't blog. :-)

Becky said...

I like to hear about you guys as well! Glad your blogging! Good job YOU!!:)