Friday, January 8, 2010

4 months old

This month has been filled with fun firsts.  I love so much hanging out with Zoe and continue to enjoy all the fun things she is doing.  She is a really sweet baby.  Lot of the smiles that make you think you are the most important person on earth.  Leila and Holden got some belly laughs out of her toward the end of the month.  Holden was mad about something and he exhaled really loudly right next to Zoe's bouncer.  She gave him a big old giggle!  It was so funny to see Holden get laughed out my his little baby sister.  He and Leila thought it was great and continued to exhale to get her to laugh...she loved it.

Zoe slept through the night for the first time December 1st.  Adnan and I both thought it would be another couple of months based on Holden and Leila,  but she proved us wrong.  After the 1st week of sleeping through the night, she had a couple of 4:45 wake-ups, but she got back on track.  She still wakes up early in the morning for her pacifier, but does not eat.  Her last feeding is between 10 and 11 and then she will get up for the day around 7:30 or so.   She is still eating every 3 hours during the day, some days every 2 1/2.  She still sleeps in the pack n'play in our bedroom. Her schedule consists of eating and staying awake/playing for about 1 1/2 hours, then nap and it begins again.  She does this pretty consistently with some naps being longer than others.

She has really become a talker and when she gets going it's loud and for long periods of time.  She can swat her toys and has just begun to grab on to hanging toys and not let go.  She will then start to scream at the toy. We are not sure if she is frustrated because she can't let go or if she wants to pull the toy towards her.  She loves to play under her baby gym (this also protects her a bit from the big kids) and sit in her bouncer.  She is not in love with the bumbo seat yet.   She is getting to be happier on her tummy!

Leila and Holden are still taking really good care of her.  They always look for her in the morning and kiss her good night.  They both have her nicknamed as "The Zoster  or Zoekster."  

Zoe likes to:
sit in her swing
be swaddled-with arms down
have conversations
her pacifier
to stick her thumb in her pacifier and hold it
stick 4 fingers in her mouth at the same time
baby talk, baby talk, baby talk
talk to her toys - 15 minute record
grab and hold toys
bring toys up to mouth (end of month)
sleep thorough the night- this is a big one
the vacuum cleaner
the sleepy wrap
Leila and Holden
having a blanket touch her face when she is napping in her swing
hanging out in just her diaper

Zoe still does not like
the car pool line

StrollerFit update:
She was a great workout partner this past month.  She arrives awake at StrollerFit.  Sleeps through class and wakes up for Abs.  Hopefully she keeps this up!

Her doctor's visit went well...she loved laying on the table and the noise the paper makes.

Height: 25.75 which puts her in the 90%
Weight: 14.9 which puts her in the 75%
Head: 16.25 which puts her in the 50%


cari said...

i love it all. she weighs 2 pounds less than julianna who is a tiny thing and is going to be 1 in feb. I am glad she sleeps through SF, Julianna liked to feed half way through class at 4 months. I would breastfeed nd lunge, what a workout. they kids ae all beautiful.

Kristi said...

Victoria, she is beautiful! I've said it before, but I'm so glad that you're blogging. I love to read the updates on all of your kids.

Victoria said...

Thanks Cari-Lynn for reading!

Thanks Kristi. I'm glad to be blogging. My kids thank you for getting me to do it. They will be so happy as I will to go back and have written memories. :)

Becca said...

She looks so cute in that outfit with that bow. I am glad she is doing so well at night and at SF.

Becky said...

She is gorgeous!! Love the post and all the pics of the 3 of them fun! I'm sure she's not gonna be spoiled at all:))

Rachel said...

Love the updates... Zoe is just precious and growing so fast! 4 months - really?! And, I'm totally in envy that she's sleeping through the night already! :)