Thursday, February 21, 2008

Trip to the Dentist...

Trip to the Dentist

Leila is finally calm

We went to the dentist Today! Yes, I'm embarrassed to say that Leila is almost 5 and has not set foot in a dentists office. :( We did make it before her 5th birthday.

Busy watching Flushed Away
Holden lovin getting his teeth cleaned

We arrived at the dentist to be told that Leila and Holden's appointment was actually next week. Not TRUE! I did schedule them separately. Anyway, after the kids ran around the waiting area, we were told that Leila would still be able to be seen. I thought she was excited to be there, but she cried and cried and sobbed and cried some more. Holden climbing up the chair

We all headed back to get Leila's teeth cleaned. She was having no part of this UNTIL the dental hygienist told her that mommy might have to leave if she couldn't calm down. Leila was up in the chair in no time getting her teeth cleaned. They played Flushed away on the flat screen tv hanging above the chair. SUPER COOL! After heading off to x-rays, they came back and asked if Holden would like to get his teeth cleaned. Of course Holden was raring to go! He kept asking the DH (Dental Hygienist), Dr. what is this? Dr what is that? Dr. how do you turn this on/off? It was 20 questions and super funny that he kept calling her Doctor!

The Doctor arrived and told us that their teeth looked good NO Cavities!! This was the good news, the bad news was that Leila had minor issues, b/c she still likes her thumb at night. The Permanent teeth come in at 6 so she has to kick the habit in the next 6 months. Holden on the other hand doesn't like a thumb or pacifier, he has always shoved about 6 inches of his blanket in his mouth. Well, this is very bad on your teeth, jaw and well, ALL BAD. No more blanket unless we want to see the ortho at 5. :)
Holden loved the spit sucker...the dr. taught him how to use it himself. While the dr. talked to him, he continued to pick it up, turn it on and suck the spit from his mouth.


Lindsay said...

I am very impressed with the kiddos!
I still to this day am not a fan of the dentist!

Whitney said...

I love your blog!! It is super cute! I am so impressed with your kiddos at the dentist. It makes me a little less nervous for our first visit :)