Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Holden!

It's been 5 years since we welcomed Holden into this world! 

Holden arrived 3 weeks early
Getting ready to leave the hospital in his huge outfit.

I can't believe my little boy is 5 today!

Happy Birthday to a sweet, kind, smart, sensitive, energetic and sometimes naughty little boy!  Holden is one of those kids that likes all activities.  He is deligent and will practice and practice  until he teaches himself how to do something well.  Holden likes to concentrate on his playing whether it's crashing cars, playing with dinosaurs, kicking the soccer ball or doing art.  He still asks, "will you play with me, will you play with me?" AND calls your name over and over again until he as your full attention.  A negotiator from the womb, he can talk his way to more sweets, a shortened time out and pretty much his way of thinking.  

His sweet voice, smile, curls and long eyelashes melt my heart.

Holden likes:
scoring goals
going to school
acting silly
watching movies
his best friend and sister Leila
being a big brother
being a little brother
his new sister Zoe
Tae Kwon Do
adding and subtracting
Race cars
crashing his cars
Mario cart Wii
naming types of cars on the road
playing and fighting with his sister


Becca said...

Wow! Look how he has grown!!!!

Becky said...

Cute post! Happy Birthday Holden!

Unknown said...

This is making me cry!!! Lil' Holdie is all grown up!!! Sniff sniff!