Saturday, November 7, 2009

Goo Goo Gaa Gaa-8 week update

Zoe is doing a lot of sweet cooing! At 8 weeks she is going a great job tracking objects and really does want to have conversations. We are getting lots of smiles these days!!
Here are a couple of 8 week pictures. We had some professional ones taken and I'll upload those in a few days! They are much better than the blurry ones I took!

Zoe is doing some great growing!
2 weeks 7 lbs 6 oz. and 21.25 length
4 weeks 9 lbs 10 oz. and 22 length
8 weeks 12 lbs 3 oz and 23 length
Zoe is eating every 3 hours during the day and going for 4+ hours at night! We've gotten lucky a couple of times and Zoe has given us a 6 hour stretch!
StrollerFit update: Zoe seems to be a good StrollerFit workout partner.
She does cry sometimes during class, but it's usually when we stop or when she wants her pacifier. Many times I wonder whose baby is crying and then's my baby! That's what I get for pushing an empty stroller for so long!!


Jennifer said...

I am highly impressed with all your blogging lately! You must have a lot of time on your hands with three little ones:-) Zoe is absolutley beautiful!

Victoria said...

Ha Ha! One of my friends made her blog into a book, so I'm inspired to try to do the same thing. Mine might end up being a pamhplet instead. :)It's like a full time job just keeping up with this. :)

Becky said...

That's funny:) glad she is doing good while you are taching! I'd still come to SF if I didnt have a toddler..haha!!

Becca said...

She looks so cute in all those pink ruffles! Lol....I like how you were so use to pushing an empty stroller that you don't realize that the crying baby is yours....

Kristi said...

What a wonderful pamphlet it'll be!!! I love your super blogging mode! That little tutu onesie is adorable on Zoe & I think it's funny that you have to realize that they crying baby is yours.

B.E.A.L. said...

she is precious...and I am cracking up at the "wondering whose baby is crying thing"

glad she likes SF...wish Landry still did!

and I am loving the blogging too! :)