Saturday, September 20, 2008

What a difference....

a season makes! Holden was so excited for his soccer game today. He was really into it. The other team kicked the ball, Holden got it and took it all the way to the goal! I was so proud of him. He was so excited..."Mommy, I made a goal." Am I bragging? ABSOLUTELY!! If I could have put his happiness in a capsule, I would!

Last season was Holden's first. At the first game he cried, wouldn't let go of my leg and essentailly would only go on the field with me. Adnan banned me from the next few games, b/c Holden wouldn't leave my side. He did grow through the last season, getting better and better.

Since last season, He loves to kick the ball and run. So I guess, you could say practicing helps and now he is an older 3 so he has the concept!

2 Goals for Holden today.


Darby Basham Brown said...

Keep that Tally, Sister! It is JUST as exciting for you as it is for him! I am so proud of yall for making him do it again! Now he will see his accomplishments clearer! Go Holdy!

Becca said...

Yay Holden!

Kristi said...

Great game, Holden!!!