Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fun Weekend...

It was a fun weekend for the kids. We had some of our friends over Friday night for dinner and the kids played, screamed (mostly good) and had lots of giggles. They played dress up in princess outfits, I had put out Halloween costumes so Holden felt included. Of course he chose the Little mermaid costume. Poor guy, he doesn't have a chance with all these girls.

Here they are enjoying cookies that Leila and Holden made.

On Saturday, we went to a birthday party at a restaurant called Pasand. The kids had fun running around and eating Indian food.

Here are the kids at Pump it up Jr..

Leila went to a princess tea party the next day. She got to dress up like a princess and have tea (lemonade)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Leila's Dance Recital

The weekend didn't start out great when we found Leila had strep. We found this out AFTER she had had a rehearsal the Saturday morning before the performance on Sunday evening. The dr. said she was contagious...the show must go on though! Of course she had complained that her throat hurt, along with her elbow, knee, I took her to the dr. thinking it was nothing as it usually is...
Dress Rehearsal Pics:

Leila getting her lipstick on! (thx Darby for taking this picture)

Leila and Ashlyn on the "Big Stage"

Sweet Girls

Holden wanted in the picture:)
One of my girlfriends was in town from Midland for the dance recital. We had a fun weekend getting together with some of my college friends to see Sex in the City and have dinner!

Leila's recital went great. She did so well and was such a big girl. With her hair pulled back in a bun, I could hardly recognize her. It was really special because she was standing by her friend Ashlyn (who's mom was my college roomie and one of my best friends). I don't know how "special" it was for Stephanie since Leila had strep. :) What are friends for right?

Darby Perfecting Leila's bun

Leila and her Grandfather


Great Performance

Monday, June 9, 2008

Cool! I've been tagged!!

I've Been Tagged . Oooooh Oooooh! I've never done this before. FUN!
This is a fun little game that bloggers play.
The rules are as follows:
1. Post the rules!
2. Answer the questions about yourself
3. At the end of the post, list 5-6 people you would like to tag and leave a comment on their blog letting them know
4. Let the person who tagged you know that you posted your answers.

So here goes....
1. What were you doing 10 years ago? I was in 9th grade studying for a history test. LOL! I had just gotten engaged and was planning a wedding. :)

2. What are 5 things on your to-do list today?
Teach StrollerFit, prepare for the instructor meeting, eat at Fadi's, run kids to and from school (today was holdie's first day in the Blue room (the 3-6 year old room), go to the grocery store...ha! We ate at Fadi's!

3. What are some snacks you enjoy? It's hard to narrow that down. I love fruit, hummus, chocolate etc.

4. What would you do if you were a billionaire? Give to those doing research for cancer, autism, Alzheimer's and promotion for organ donation. Buy my husband a travel show so that he could travel around and talk about all the neat places in the world. College funds for the kids! As for my job...I'd think I would keep doing what I'm doing now...just on a larger scale. (hire someone to help me with the paperwork though) :)

5 places you have lived? Dallas, TX, Waco, TX, Plano, TX

7. What are 5 jobs you have had? Mrs. Field's Cookies (seller of cookies), Fast signs (maker of signs), Campus recruiter Ernst and Young, Baylor Senior Health Center Exercise Specialist, StrollerFit owner and the list goes on..............................

8. What is currently playing on your Ipod? Aerobic music

9. What are the last 5-6 books you have read? I love to read. I'm reading Barbara Walters book Audition. (love this book) She was a trailblazer for women. Eat, Pray, Love-(It was a page turner for me) South Beach diet, Restore the Core Power, Lots of exercise info, LOVE suspense novels, James Patterson....and i could go on....

10. Who do you want to tag?
If you spent time to read this, your tagged!