Tuesday, November 17, 2009


My mother and father in law are coming over to watch the kids while Adnan and I go to a mavs game. Here is the conversation I had with my kids:

How is Pappa (my mother in law) it's a long story how she got the name.. going to feed Zoe?
Me: With a bottle
Leila: She has breasts.
Me: Yes, she does
Leila: I know I know, you can only feed the baby that way if you HAD the baby
Holden: She can't feed the baby because she eats SPICY FOOD!

These kids make me smile!!


B.E.A.L. said...

that is hilarious....you will be so glad you documented this little convo and I am glad you shared it with us!

Becky said...

ahahahahaaaa!!!! Love it!

Kristi said...

OMG, that's hilarious! I can tell you've discussed this a time or two...