Wednesday, July 21, 2010

10 months

It was a fun 9th month with Zoe.  Zoe took her 2nd road trip, this time to Disney World.  She did a great job in the car and was a trooper as usual.  She spent most of her days at Disney in her infant carrier in the stroller!  The big kids loved to fan and squirt her with water.  Her favorite ride at Disney was It's a Small World.  (clapping and smiling) She really enjoyed most of the rides she went on.  Zoe did not love the characters or "furs" as Disney calls them.  As soon as they would get too close, she would begin SCREAMING.  Once they stepped away, she would be fine again.  She definitely looked at them with caution.

Right after we arrived at Disney

Mickey towel friend

Zoe's first swim
Mickey got too close.

Eeyore playing peek a boo with Zoe.  It's not working...

Zoe has dropped her napping at StrollerFit for the most part.  She might catch a quick snooze on the way to StrollerFit, but once she gets in the stroller, she is wide awake.  She takes her "real" nap around 12:30 and sleeps around 3-4 hours.  Her usual bedtime is 7:00 pm and she wakes up most mornings around 6:45 am.

Zoe is still eating her jars of baby food.  She loves fruits, does well with sweet potatoes and carrots.  She tolerates mixed vegetables and peas and REALLY dislikes green beans.  She does better with lumpy baby food now, but is not much interested in anything with too much texture.  She is not a fan of puffs or mum mums.  She takes 4 liquid feeds a day with her 4th a bottle around 6:30 or 7:00.

Snow day at Holden's school. The kids brougth a snow ball to Zoe.

Zoe can move around quite well from a sitting postion and can roll where she needs to go. She became an official crawler on July 29th, 2 days before she was 10 months old.  She is getting the hang of crawling.  The big kids are going to need to guard their stuff.

crawling day

look at those hands.  Basketball star

Zoe is verbal.  She says mamama and dadadada and other consonant sounds.  She likes to clap and bop around to music.  She watches intently when you sing to her. 

Teeth-Zoe has her top tooth coming in!
Clothes-Zoe is wearing 9 - 12 month
Favorite time of day: Walking down the stairs with Zoe.  She likes to wave like a beauty queen!  It makes me laugh everytime.

Zoe likes:
stacking blocks
car seat
vacuum cleaner
sleep sack
making a humming noise when she likes her food
palming the mommymuscle ball
anything that doesn't belong to her
small pieces on the floor
being tickled
bath time

Zoe does not like
green beans
textured food
Mickey Mouse