Saturday, September 20, 2008

What a difference....

a season makes! Holden was so excited for his soccer game today. He was really into it. The other team kicked the ball, Holden got it and took it all the way to the goal! I was so proud of him. He was so excited..."Mommy, I made a goal." Am I bragging? ABSOLUTELY!! If I could have put his happiness in a capsule, I would!

Last season was Holden's first. At the first game he cried, wouldn't let go of my leg and essentailly would only go on the field with me. Adnan banned me from the next few games, b/c Holden wouldn't leave my side. He did grow through the last season, getting better and better.

Since last season, He loves to kick the ball and run. So I guess, you could say practicing helps and now he is an older 3 so he has the concept!

2 Goals for Holden today.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Funny Fridays

Well, it's been pretty Funny this week in our household.

Last night at Holden's soccer practice, he blew the coaches whistle. (LOL) Coach Bob got close enough to Holden that he bent over, grabbed the whistle and blew it. Ha! He shouldn't have done it, but it was so FUNNY!

At Leila's soccer game last week, Holden was talking to one of the little girls. He said what is your number? She said, whatever it was, and he said, "mine is bigger than yours." He is 23, so I guess he thought he was better than her because his number was bigger.

I asked Leila what her fav. part of soccer was. And she said, "resting." Ha!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Got the munchies?

apparently my son does. It started a couple of weeks ago when Holden headed back to school. He has always been "into things" but he seems even more curious than he has been in the past. Hands on counter tops, in drawers, touching, doing just all together mischievous things. the story about the munchies. He has been getting up super early in the morning and since Leila is so tired from Kindergarten, she is not up to "monitor" what Holden does before mommy and daddy are up. Two mornings ago Holden got in the refrigerator and helped himself to a juice box at 6:30 am.

Yesterday morning I found some brown stuff on his mouth and asked him if he had eaten anything. He looks at me and says, no. I get close enough to smell his mouth...CHOCOLATE!! Adnan had chocolate custard in the freezer leftover from our visit to Sheridan's the night before. (I ate all mine :)) Holden helped himself to 1/2 of the cup.